On October 3, 2023, our colleague and friend, Dominique Delande, passed away. Today, we wish to pay tribute to him through this conference on complex quantum systems, a topic he devoted himself to throughout his rich scientific career.
Recruited to the CNRS in 1981 at the Kastler Brossel Laboratory, Dominique first worked on Rydberg atoms in intense static fields, before playing a major role in the field of multiple light scattering in cold atomic gases. Combined with his expertise in numerical methods, his deep understanding of light-matter interaction led him, in the early 2000s, to an unprecedented description of localization phenomena in these systems. Quickly, his early work on disorder established him as an expert of disordered quantum gases, a field which began to develop in 2005. In this area, his numerical simulations of the Anderson transition in cold atoms are now considered a reference. They accompanied the first French experimental observations, up to the most recent measurements.
If you cannot attend the symposium but wish to share a few words, you have the possibility to record a video message, which will be broadcasted. Please send the video to Nicolas Cherroret
The symposium will take place in the Charpak amphitheater of Sorbonne Université (Jussieu campus). Registration is free but mandatory. The number of participants is limited to 150. Registration will be closed if this number is reached.